Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Same Day Courier Service

Do you have a requirement to ship small to medium sized packages? You may have confidential or urgent documents, or simply need to get a replacement part or component from, or to, Huntingdon (Cambridgeshire), or within 40 miles of Huntingdon. Is there something you need transporting to or from another location in the mainland United Kingdom? If so, Huntingdon Couriers Ltd, a nationwide courier service, can help you! As the preferred courier for the Huntingdon area, we are the solution to your same day courier needs.

We offer a reliable same day courier service using secure vehicles for anything from a single letter to a single pallet of 3M³ at total weight of up to 500Kg with delivery on the same day as we collect the consignment, subject to the recipient being available to take delivery and sign for the load. Our rates are very competitive and are based purely on the mileage between the collection and drop-off points. Unlike many of our competitors, we do not levy a fuel surcharge or a booking fee. We do operate a minimum charge policy for journeys under 30 miles.

Same Day Courier Service

The benefits of a same day courier service are that your package is received on the same day that it was sent. This is a huge business benefit to companies operating in time sensitive business environments such as banks, solicitors, accountants and estate agents. In addition, companies with operational divisions at multiple sites will also benefit from the confidence associated with knowing that their package or shipment is in safe hands and will be delivered that day. For example, a provider of specialist goods for a particular industry may need a courier service to ship a critical part to a customer hundreds of miles away who needs it to repair a machine or to restore a business critical service. We can guarantee thatwithin an hour of placing the order the item is on its way (location dependant) to the customer who will no doubt appreciate the swift response to his pressing need.

A recent example was of a quarry operator whose weighbridge was in need of a new circuit board. The part was collected at 5.30pm and delivered to the customer, 220 miles away, by 10pm, thus reducing the weighbridge downtime to a minimum.

You can rest assured that your consignment is safe and secure with us, the preferred courier in Huntingdon,as all our drivers have a minimum of 10 years’ experience and hold clean driving licences. They are vetted and have no criminal convictions, either current, spent or pending. In delivering your package we represent your company and you can rest assured that our drivers will not let you down.

Our vehicles are insured with £25,000 Goods in Transit and £1M Public Liability insurance. Most cargos are covered, except for dangerous goods, such as chemicals, firearms and explosives, livestock and fuels.

For a free, no obligation, quotation from Huntingdon Couriers Ltd  please use the email form on the website or contact us directly on 01480 426540


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  2. Thanks for sharing this article. I was actually looking for services like this and finally i found it. Anybody looking for sea cargo services can relate to this topic. Thanks!
